Roofing Articles

best ashpalt shingles
The market of asphalt shingles in the United States is huge. A dozen major manufacturers offer hundreds of models, and taking into account color variants, we have several thousand different combinations. Which one to choose? Is...
GAF logo roofing solutions
GAF is known to practically everyone who has thought about installing asphalt shingles. This is not without reason – after all, we are talking about a huge company, which is also the largest producer of this...
The choice of roofing material has many, often very serious, consequences. The U.S. market is overflowing with products from many companies, and while each option has its advantages, you can make a successful as well as...
Contrary to what you might think, any roof is quite a complex arrangement of many components, the common purpose of which is to protect the interior of your home from water flowing in, snow falling in,...
pros and cons of copper roofs
Copper is a roofing material that has been used for a very long time. Like any technology, sheet metal made of this metal has both its advantages and disadvantages, so nothing you decide to roof replacement,...
Ask a professional: roofing
Over the course of the year, we are contacted by about 2,000 people and, inevitably, during the first conversation with our customer service department, they often ask us various questions. Therefore, we decided to collect the...
why are asphalt shingles popular
Asphalt shingles are a very popular roofing material that appears on more and more homes in Chicagoland every year. This is certainly not happening for a reason, however, there is no roofing material without flaws. Are...
why are roofs made of cedar
Slate roofs and asphalt shingles are very common in Chicagoland. However, there are homeowners who opt for other solutions. In addition to composites and terracotta tiles, cedar wood is also available. Why such a choice? Is...
Is it worth choosing synthetic slate roof tiles?
Synthetic slate is an increasingly popular roofing material. It can even be said to be conquering much of Chicago’s North Shore. Why is this happening? Surely there are no better alternatives? When is it worth choosing...
How to avoid ice dams on roofs?
Despite spring storms being well-known for causing roof damage, winter can also affect your home’s uppermost layer. When temperatures go down and snow starts to fall, one of the main things to watch out for is...

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