Do I Need a New Roof? Here are Some Answers to Your Questions

You may be asking yourself, “Do I need a new roof?” If you are also asking yourself the following questions, then you want to seriously consider a roof replacement:

1. Upon inspection of my roof, I noticed algae growth

2. I noticed curling and blistering on my roof

3. I see that some of my shingles are missing or broken

4. I noticed some rotting

5. I saw several dark patches and they appear dirty

6. I observed some sagging and buckling in my roof’s structure

If the answers to any of these questions are “yes,” consider a simple formula of economics.

If you have a roof that is knowingly in need of repair, and may need a lot more maintenance in the future, would it be better to continue repairing your current roof or should you have it completely replaced? It may be less expensive, in the long run, to spend the money now on a new roof rather than continuously repairing one that is already damaged. In addition, a new roof may lessen the chance of extensive damage and insurance claims during a future storm or other inclement weather

Before deciding whether to repair or replace your roof, inspect it carefully for any signs of damage or deterioration. It’s important to remember that, during inspection, avoid walking on your roof if at all possible as this may cause further damage to the structure. It is advisable to use binoculars or a ladder to get the best view possible. There are two ways to inspect your roof, which includes both an outside and inside inspection.

The outside inspection is, perhaps, the easiest and should be done first. Most outward signs of damage can be seen immediately. There are specific signs to indicate that your roof may need to be replaced, including algae growth, curling, blistering, missing or broken shingles, missing granules, rotting, damaged flashing, buckling, loose or exposed nails, dark patches that appear “dirty,” sagging in the center of the roof or the presence of rust.

The inside inspection may take more time and effort, but is essential in determining the best outcome for your home. There are a number of indoor signs to indicate that your roof may be in need of replacing, including ceiling spots, sagging between the rafters or an outside light that is visible through the roof. The most obvious of the signs, which are ceiling spots, are easily visible and would be a clear indication of leakage.

If a roof is found to be leaking, and appropriate repairs are not made, the water damage may cause additional damage to your insulation and increase energy costs. If you locate dark spots in the wood, test them in order to decide if the problem is one of immediate concern. If the spot feels soft to the touch or is damp, the indication would be that the problem is a current one. On the other hand, if the spot is dry, it’s possible that this is a previous problem that has been corrected or is no longer an issue.

If you find any of these signs to be present, contact a roofing contractor for a professional evaluation. Before deciding for yourself, ask for their opinion and request an estimate. In some cases, a simple repair may be all that is needed to correct a problem. However, if the problem is going to be reoccurring, consider the possibility of replacing the roof entirely.

For instance, if your roof shows signs of rotting, this could be a larger problem in the future if it has spread throughout the structure. If, on the other hand, a few shingles are in need of repair, you wouldn’t necessarily want to replace the roof entirely. When making any major home improvement, consider each option carefully before making a final decision.

A.B. Edward Enterprises, Inc. takes great pride in maintaining customer satisfaction for all types of new roof installation and roof repair work for residential homes

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